5.2. Categorized List of Methods


DataHubPoint - constructs a DataHubPoint object in various ways.
~DataHubPoint - destroys a DataHubPoint object.

General Methods

clear - clears the point.
getName - retrieves the point name.
setName - assigns a name to the point.
qualifyName - creates a point name string qualified by a domain name.
unqualifyName - removes the domain name qualifier from a point name.

Point Data Access Methods

getType - retrieves the point data type.
setValue - sets the point data to the specified type and value.
setValueFromString - sets the point data to the value represented by a string.
getDoubleValue - retrieves the point data as a double-typed value.
getIntValue - retrieves the point data as an int-typed value.
getStringValue - retrieves the point data as a string.

Point Information Access Methods

setInfo - sets the information properties of a point.
setQuality - sets the point quality.
getQuality - retrieves the point quality.
getQualityString - generates a string representing the point quality.
setConfidence - sets the user's confidence in a point.
getConfidence - retrieves the user's point confidence.
setTimeStamp - sets the point timestamp in various ways.
getSeconds - retrieves the timestamp seconds component.
getNanoseconds - retrieves the timestamp nanoseconds component.
getDateString - generates a 'standard' timestamp data/time representation.
getListeners - retrieves listeners on the point (Java only).
removeListener - removes a listener from the point (Java only).
setLocked - sets the locked property of the point.
getLocked - retrieves the locked property of the point.
setSecurity - sets the security property of the point.
getSecurity - retrieves the security property of the point.
setFlags - sets the flags property of the point.
getFlags - retrieves the flags property of the point.
setUserdata - associates the point with a user object.
getUserdata - retrieves the user object associated with the point.


operator= - assigns a new value to a DataHubPoint object (C++ only).