
DataHubBaseButton — a base class for buttons.


This is the base class for DataHubButton, DataHubCheckBox, DataHubButton, and DataHubRadioButton applets. It should not be directly instantiated.

Base Class



bgcolorcolorwhiteThe background color for this applet
fgcolorcolorblackThe foreground color for this applet
textstringPressThe text to display on the button.
bgcolor1colorwhiteThe background color used when the data point value is equal to value1.
fgcolor1colorblackThe foreground color used when the data point value is equal to value1.
value1string0The data value that will cause the button to display in colors bgcolor1/fgcolor1.
text1stringnullThe text to display on the button when the data point value is value1. If this is not specified, it is given the value of the text parameter.
bgcolor2colorwhiteThe background color used when the data point value is equal to value2
fgcolor2colorblackThe foreground color used when the data point value is equal to value2
value2string1The data value that will cause the button to display in colors bgcolor2/fgcolor2.
text2stringnullThe text to display on the button when the data point value is value2. If this is not specified, it is given the value of the text1 parameter.
numericbooleanfalseIf this parameter is true, the data value will be compared to value1 and value2 using a numeric comparison. If false, the data value is assumed to be a string.
Inherited - - All parameters from DataHubListener.