
Table of Contents

acos, asin, atan, atan2 - perform trigonometric arc functions.
and, not, or - are the same as the corresponding Logical Operators.
band, bnot, bor, bxor - perform bitwise operations.
ceil - rounds a real number up to the next integer.
cfand, cfor - perform and and or functions with confidence factors.
conf, set_conf - query and set confidence factors.
cos, sin, tan - perform trigonometric functions.
div - divides, giving an integer result.
exp - calculates an exponent of the logarithmic base (e).
floor - rounds a real number down to its integer value.
log, log10, logn - calculate logarithms.
neg - negates.
pow - raises a base to the power of an exponent.
random - generates random numbers from 0 to 1.
round - rounds a real number up or down to the nearest integer.
set_random - starts random at a different initial number.
sqr - finds the square of a number.
sqrt - finds the square root of a number.