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OPC to Web - Java Example #2

Please Note: If you don't see the graphics below, it may be because either your browser doesn't have the Java Plugin, or you are behind a corporate firewall that prevents you connecting to the Cogent web server on port 4600. Contact us if you have any questions.
What you're missing, if you can't see the live data. Your browser is not Java enabled.
Drag needle to change.

Auto Setpoint Change:
Your browser is not Java enabled.
Setpoint Process Output
Auto Setpoint Change Rate:  
What you're looking at on this page
Each of the live elements in the display above is a separate Java applet. All of the applets on the page share a common link back to a DataHub running on one of our web servers. The display elements update, in real-time, without you having to press the Refresh button on the browser.

You can also enter data in the following ways:
  • Select between Auto and Manual Setpoint Change.
  • Drag the needle on the Change Rate gauge.
  • Drag the pointer next to the Setpoint progress bar.
  • Enter a new value, or click up and down on the Change Rate entry field.
Changing a value through this web page will change the parameters of the simulator being used to generate the sample data on the server. Anyone who is also watching this web page will see the values change and the other screen elements react accordingly.

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